dilluns, 18 de juliol del 2022

Seeing like a bird

Now, for a few moments……, I close my eyes and I forget who I am….., what I normally do….., I forget what is in my life… … ., I take a deep breath……, allow the body to relax….., allow the mind to calm down…….
……..Now I can slightly open my eyes if necessary and focus on any brightness I see…, such as the reflection of light on any surface…….
……..I put the image of a bird flying, on the screen of my mind…….
……..Now the bird is me…….
……..I fly above everything without any effort…….
……..The breeze helps me and I don’t need to flap my wings…….
……..I let myself flow…., everything is in my sight but nothing catches me…, I cross mountains……, I cross valleys…, I fly above the sea……, I don’t get tired…….
……..I see everything so small, so insignificant……..
……..Even from here there are no conflicts…….
……..I am the subtle but powerful bird that can take flight……, and understand the limited temporality of any problem…….
………They look so small from up here……
………Now I take a deep breath and go back to where I started from……
………I keep that feeling of lightness of the bird in me……….
………I remember how small the problems are contemplated from up there…….
………They are nothing, they are temporary……..
………They will pass…….
Om shanti.